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- P P R I N T
- by
- Norm Patriquin
- Version 2.0
- March 1987
- Support BBS -- Patriquin's BBS
- 714-369-9766 (DATA)
- Copyright 1987 by Norm Patriquin
- Page 1
- ------
- PPRINT is a general purpose print utility that can be used with
- HP laser or other printers.
- PPRINT will scan a directory and select files for printing.
- Print control parameters govern the print process. A special
- print feature for the HP laserjet printer allows printing
- two pages on both halves of a side of paper. This is especially
- nice for printing large documents as it saves paper and print
- time.
- Command Parameters
- ------------------
- PPRINT allows several command parameter switches to be specified
- to customize the process. All these parameters are optional.
- The command format and switch parameters are described below. A
- quick review of command parameters is always available by
- entering the PDEL command with no parameters.
- PPRINT filespec [ (/ switches) ]
- filespec Enter a DOS file specification. Pathnames and
- standard DOS wildcard characters are allowed.
- /BM:nn Number of lines of bottom margin
- /C Sends 015 code to printer to force compressed print.
- Use on dot matrix printers only.
- /DS Double space printed output
- Page 2
- /D:[(]xxx Date. Select files based on the relationship between
- [)] their last update date and the date specified. This
- [=] parameter includes a date or number of days value.
- It may also contain a modifier that reverses or
- modifies the use of the date specified.
- When xxx contains a date the date is compared to the
- last update date of the file. The last update date
- of the file is the date contained in its directory
- entry. The file is selected if the condition specified
- by the condition modifier is met. The condition
- modifier meanings are:
- '(' = Select files whose date is older than the
- date specified.
- ')' = Select files whose date is newer than the
- date specified.
- '=' = Select files whose date is equal to the date
- specified.
- If the condition modifier is not specified, ')' is
- assumed.
- Date values may be specified in any of the following
- formats:
- 12/31/80 12-31-80 31DEC80
- If xxx contains a numeric value, that positive number
- is used to calculate a date value a number of days
- prior to the current date. Then that date is used
- as in the calculation above.
- Example:
- /D:(1JAN86 - Process files updated before 1JAN86
- /D:)1JAN86 - Process files updated after 1JAN86
- /D:=1JAN86 - Process files updated 1JAN86
- /D:(5 - Process files modified prior to 5 days ago
- /D:)5 - Process files modified within the last 5 days
- /D:=5 - Process files modified 5 days ago
- Page 4
- /E Sends <ESC> 69 code to printer to force emphasized print.
- Use on dot matrix printers only.
- /EX Attempt to print the header and footer lines using
- dot matrix expanded print options. If there is not
- enough room on the line this option will be ignored.
- /HD Print Header line that contains filename, date file
- was last updated, and page number.
- /HP Print Header line that contains Page number only.
- /F Print page footings at the bottom of each page. This
- makes thumbing through listings to find a specific
- file much easier.
- /FP Print Footer line that contains Page number only.
- /G For printing C language source files. This option
- prints ruler lines to help follow IF and DO sets
- of lines down and across pages.
- /B:file Begin. Indicates that processing is not to start until
- the specified full filename is encountered in the
- scan of the directory.
- /LL:nn Number of characters to be allowed for each print
- line. Longer lines will be truncated.
- /LM:nn Number of characters for the left margin.
- /LP:nn Lines per page. 66 lines assumed. (11 inch * 6 lpi)
- /N Print a line number before each line printed. Useful
- for printing program source listings.
- Page 5
- /PD:xxxx Alternate print device name. /PD:LPT2 will cause
- all output to be directed to printer 2. LPT1 is
- assumed. This can also be the name of a DOS file.
- /S laSer printer. 2-up side by side page printing
- in compressed format. Requires lanscape font.
- /SP:nnn Start or restart printing with page number nnn.
- Previous pages will be skipped.
- /T Test the command. Use this switch when you
- would like to test the command entered without
- actually printing any files.
- Messages will indicate what will happen if the command
- is executed without the /T switch.
- /TR Truncate print lines that exceed the max line length
- /TM:nnn Number of top margin lines.
- /V Print program version and registration information.
- /2E Print only even numbered pages. For 2 sided printing
- /2D Print odd numbered pages. For 2 sided printing.
- Page 6
- Registering PPRINT
- -------------------
- PPRINT is distributed under the Shareware concept. This makes it
- available for anyone to try without obligation. If you decide it
- is useful and want to keep it, I ask that you register your use
- of it. This will allow for continued support and maintenance of
- the program and will help to encourage that more quality software
- be made available through this channel. We require all
- corporate and government users of this utility register their
- copies.
- To simply register the program, $15 is requested. If you would
- like the newest program disk and a copy of the manual send
- $30. If you would like to register all the Patriquin utilities,
- and receive programs on disk and manuals, send $45.
- Send registration requests to:
- Norm Patriquin
- P.O. Box 8308
- San Bernardino, CA 92412
- The registration charge is a one time fee that entitles you to
- all future versions of the product. These may either be obtained
- from normal Shareware sources or directly from me. Any
- organization ordering more than 100 copies is also entitled to
- telephone support and will be given the technical support number.
- Following is a form that may be used to register PPRINT.
- Page 7
- PPRINT Registration
- Version 2.0
- Please Register PPRINT to the following person. We will use ____
- copies of the program and have enclosed $____ for each copy to
- be used.
- **************************************************************
- _____ Registration only.............................. $15.00
- _____ Registration, program disk and manual.......... $30.00
- _____ Registration of all Patriquin Utilities with
- program disks and manuals................... $45.00
- _____ Update of newest Patriquin Utility disk with
- manual. ................................... $15.00
- **************************************************************
- Name: __________________________________________________
- Company: _______________________________________________
- Address: _______________________________________________
- _______________________________________________
- City: ______________________________ State: ___________
- Zip: ______________________
- I obtained my copy of PPRINT from: ____________________________
- If BBS indicate name and number please._________________________
- ________________________________________________________________
- Please register the software under the following name:
- ____________________________________________________
- Send to:
- Norm Patriquin
- P.O. Box 8308
- San Bernardino, CA 92412
- Page 8
- P P R I N T
- Problems and Maintenance
- ------------------------
- I welcome all comments or enhancement suggestions. Please
- document each item clearly and provide printed examples if
- possible. Please be sure to include this form with all requests,
- it will help to make sure we can provide you with the best
- possible service.
- Name: __________________________________________________________
- Company: _______________________________________________________
- Address: _______________________________________________________
- _______________________________________________________
- City: __________________________________ State: _______________
- Zip: ______________________________
- Telephone: _______ / ________________________ (Home / Work)
- Date: _________________________
- Description of problem or enhancement:
- ________________________________________________________________
- ________________________________________________________________
- ________________________________________________________________
- ________________________________________________________________
- Suggested solution:
- ________________________________________________________________
- ________________________________________________________________
- Page 9
- P P R I N T
- Program Maintenance:
- --------------------
- Version 1.0 October 15, 1986
- Version 2.0 March 6, 1987
- Many corrections were made to release 2. It appears OK now.
- Here is a short list.
- -- /LM (left margin) option corrected. Was not working.
- -- /LL (line length) option now works with headers.
- -- Lines with more than 80 characters of data now work
- -- /HD, /HP options added. It is no longer the default to
- print headers. Use /HD and /HP to print headers.
- -- /EX (expanded headings/footings) if headings or footings
- are desired in dot matrix expanded format, specify this
- parameter.
- -- Page ejected if printing terminated with escape